Out of the total proposed ETB561.67 billion annual budget (2021/2022), Ethiopia allocated ETB183.5 billion, 33% , for capital expenditure alone which is largely dispersed through projects. Given the huge and ongoing infrastructure development, it would be fair enough to claim that project management is and will continue to be the key component of the economy for years to come in the country. Of course, project management is the most viable and effective means to manage risks, issues, change, quality, cost and add value to the project economy across the globe and it is here to stay for long. Despite a clear potential of being an important tool to the economy, the level of attention given to project management in the Ethiopian economy is so minimal, and if any traditional. For example, it is not fully considered as a career choice, and in fact, and as far as my knowledge is concerned, there is no any project management accreditation institution ( apart from the general course
Slowly yet surely, innovation(digital) is taking ground in the Ethiopian market for real. Over the years, reliable and easily accessible payment option has been one of the real bottlenecks to translate innovation in to value especially for digital products and services. tele birr is here now as a real opportunity at Ethiopian youth’s disposal. The business environment has been in clear lack of innovations over the years due to the fact that there were not sufficient incentives to do so in the market place. As witnessed in neighboring countries, mobile money applications such as tele birr are real recipes for financial inclusion particularly to the rural mass of the Ethiopian population who would not otherwise be connected to any financial instruments for many years to come. As the financial inclusion fosters across the country as the result of the application of tele birr , increased and new demands emerge for products and services. With an innovative business mindset anchorin